Dr. Steve Steely has been associated with Allen Organs for over thirty years. He has worked with hundreds of area churches as they upgrade their musical resources.
Steve currently serves as Minister of Music and Organist at First Lutheran Church in Moline, and Organist at St. Pius X Church in Rock Island. He is also Music Director and Organist at Temple Emanuel in Davenport. Previously he was the Organist at St. John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville, MN. He taught at the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota, Marycrest College, Davenport, Iowa, and Eastfield College, Dallas, TX. His doctoral studies were at the University of Iowa, studying organ and improvisation with Gerhard Krapf and Delbert Disselhorst. He also holds degrees in Organ, Sacred Music, and Music History from Hastings College, and Southern Methodist University, where he was also a student of Robert Anderson.
If you are interested in finding out more about Allen Organs, or visit an installation, you can contact Steve Steely directly by phone 309-762-3375, or email sasteely@prodigy.net